Sunday, October 18, 2015

Support G.M.O. Free food

The question that most mothers and fathers are asking food companies is; are your products G.M.O. free? Genetically modified foods have been in the recent headlines with people wondering if the food that they are feeding their children is safe. A lot of people look for that specific stamp/certification that the food they are buying is G.M.O Free.

"Last year alone, Vermont passed a law requiring the labeling of foods that contain G.M.O.s (Connecticut and Maine have labeling laws that will go into effect only when surrounding states also pass them). And Whole Foods Market, with 410 stores in 42 states, Canada and Britain, announced that it would require all foods they sell with G.M.O.s to be so labeled by 2018."
So what is the big deal about G.M.O.'s? Humans have been genetically modifying food and feed for plants and animals for millenniums, until recently only by repeatedly crossing existing ones with relatives that have more desirable characteristics. Genetically modifying something by taking genetics into our own hands, allows humans to achieve their desired outcome within one generation. An example of a genetically modified food would be corn. Corn DNA is injected with a bacterial gene which helps the organism withstand drought. The F.D.A has approved G.M.O.'s which developers must test the product for toxicity and allergenicity as well as assure that its nutrient content is at least as good as its non-G.M.O. counterpart.
"A legitimate safety concern involves possible delayed deleterious effects of genetically modified products on consumers, the environment or the “balance” of nature. As with an organism’s natural genes, introduced ones can mutate or disrupt the function of neighboring genes. Thus, continued monitoring of their effects is essential."

This article caught my eye for multiple reasons. I am one of those shoppers that looks free non GMO products from what was being said on the news ect. I didn't do much research on the subject but  believe that organic is always better then non organic. Now reading this article I have decided to better research GMO products and better understanding the reasoning behind genetically modified foods.
here is another article pertaining to this subject:

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