Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Pregnancy Souvenir: Cells That Are Not Your Own

If you become pregnant does your body still carry your babies cells after birth?  

This new study was done on women who died during child birth to examine if women gain fetal cells during pregnancy.
“In the 1990s, scientists found the first clues that cells from both sons and daughters can escape from the uterus and spread through a mother’s body. They called the phenomenon fetal microchimerism, after the chimera, a monster from Greek mythology that was part lion, goat and dragon” (Zimmer, 2015). 

Before these recent studies this “phenomenon” was thought to be extremely rare but in all actuality very common. It is amazing that cells from one individual integrate into the tissues of another distinct person. These tissues are not just one particular area but tissues from all over the body including ones brain. These studies focused on the Y chromosome that is found in boys to more easily distinguish between mother and child. They found these cells in more than 60 percent of the brains and in multiple brain regions. 

"Fetal microchimerism has been found in a number of mammal species, including dogs, mice and cows. It’s likely that fetal cells have been a part of maternal life for tens of millions of years" (Zimmer, 2015). 

This article talks about further research into the subject of fetal microchimerism on the female biology which I think is very important and interesting. This could led to new discoveries in areas like postpartum mental health which can help us better understand this condition. 

Another article: 

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